Yas Girl

Cartier Bardi in a ‘Rari
Diamonds all over my body

Listening to student conversations in the morning can be the most interesting, entertaining, or disturbing thing to hear at 7:30AM. Then becoming the topic of one can fall into a strange category too. My story expanse over two days both starting at before 8AM.

By 8AM I haven’t even completed my first cup of coffee, so having my typically happy perky energy just doesn’t exist. However, all the students that are filing into my room that early in the morning have the exact opposite problem as I do. I can honestly say I envy that sort of energy; but let’s be honest I never even had it at their age.

Cartier Bardi in a ‘Rari
Diamonds all over my body

On a lovely Monday morning, I am sitting at my desk reviewing over the work that needed to be completed for the night, along with assignments for my personal classes, and lastly getting all the research papers organized that I haven’t finished grading. It’s at that point that two girls have walked into my room talking (as loud as possible) about all the crazy drama that happened over the weekend. We’ll call each of these girls Chloe and Rachel. Chloe is a 10th grader in my first period class that sits near my desk and is absolutely amazing. She is hard working, always participates, and sweet as pie to everyone in class. We have had a great rapport from day one, and brings the comic relief to the class most days. Rachel is a newer student to me because she is in my Collaborating Teacher’s 6th period class, so I didn’t get to know her until this year. However, she is exactly like Chloe (but the 6th period version).

Cartier Bardi in a ‘Rari
Diamonds all over my body

Both girls are always so fun to talk to in the morning, but since they had to catch up on their drama from the weekend they just said hi and sat down by my desk. It was at some point in their conversation pretty soon after they sat down that Rachel, somewhat quietly, sings: Cartier Bardi in a ‘Rari. Diamonds all over my body.

Without even thinking, clearly, I say “yaaaaasssssss girrrrrrlllll” without even looking up from the research paper I was grading. Both girls immediately stop and look at me like “what the hell.” It was in that moment that they realized I’m not as old as they thought and Chloe screams, “YOU KNOW CARDI B MS. NALAZEK?!” With a smirk on my face I simply respond, “who doesn’t?” Both girls start laughing and saying how amazing that is, but trail off back to their drama filled weekend.

Cartier Bardi in a ‘Rari
Diamonds all over my body

It was the next morning when they walked in with their usual energy that I left the room to go to the bathroom. Walking back in quietly I hear the conversation they thought I wouldn’t hear. They were debating whether or not I swear more or my collaborating teacher on the daily. I looked at them and attempted to convince them that I am a wholesome person who wouldn’t dare say a bad word ever. Unfortunately for me, they didn’t believe it for a second. With Rachel stating, “Girl, you listen to Cardi B, we know you wild.”

Cartier Bardi in a ‘Rari
Diamonds all over my body

These are the crazy moments that make me fall in love with teaching all over again. The silly fun moments that I slip up and probably reveal too much of my personal life, but knowing my students find it amazing that I’m not a robot. That I can have just as much fun joking around with the kids and educating them as well. A lot of people in my life don’t understand why I would ever want to do this for a career, but it’s these moments that I know I have a more exciting life ahead of me than most people that choose a basic path for them.

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