It’s Not Too Soon…

pexels-photo-208494.jpegAs a parent, a future educator, and human I have a few thoughts I’d like to place on the table.

  1. Not now, nor ever do I think banning guns is the answer. Just like with travel bans, ethnic bans, drug bans…banning anything is ridiculous and does not actually address the problem.
  2. Not now, nor ever do I do think it a logical train of thought to give teachers a gun to keep in the classroom. Unless you are willing to train us like you train the marines. Are you ready to train us like the marines? I have to tell you…I’m not.
  3. Not now, nor ever do I believe it’s too soon. It is not too soon to be talking about gun laws. It is not too soon to be enforcing the rules we already have in place. It is not too soon to be calling wrong, wrong. It is not too soon to be wondering why other countries do not have this issue.

School shootings do not deter me from teaching. It only makes me painfully aware that I am exactly where I need to be.

I pray for the families and teachers that lost their child, their brother and sister, their cousin, their wonderful students. We have supposedly put measures in place to prevent this from happening. So, what’s the disconnect?


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